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District Governors History (1999-2009)

1999-2000  At the 82nd International Convention in San Diego, California, Lion Robert "Bob" Edwards, of the Midland Westside Club, was installed as the 41st District 2-A1 Governor. Lion Alvin "Al" Owen of the San Angelo Downtown Lions served as the Vice District Governor. Lion Denisa Marston was appointed Cabinet Secretary and the Treasurer was Lion Robert R. "Bob" Truitt, Jr. Governor Bob's theme was "Charge into 2000 on the Lions Fleet - Membership, Leadership, Partnership, Stewardship, and Fellowship."

On Monday, July 6, 1999, following the Convention, District Governor Edwards started his official year by visiting in Big Spring with Lions Youth Exchange students. On July 8th, he attended the 15th anniversary and installation of officers of the Midland Suburban Lions Club. The first 100% donation of the new year was presented by the Stanton Evening Lion Club on July 10th. In July 1999, PDG Paul Palmer completed his term of office as Lions Camp Director from 1993-1999,.

In August 1999, Governor Edwards and his wife, First Lady Donna Edwards, traveled to Rochester, Michigan to visit the Leader Dog School facility.

The 1st District Convention was held in San Angelo on July 12-13, 1999. Lion Denisa Marston reported that the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center in Midland served 56 adults in Big Spring, Midland and San Angelo areas who were fitted with glasses. Approximately 30,000 glasses were processed for locations in Lamesa, Colorado City and San Angelo. The MTI Photo Scanner was utilized in Big Spring for young children with vision problems.

PID Jimmy Ross of Quitaque, and Lion Tom Mills of Big Spring, traveled to El Salvador with a complete Optical unit and 4200 glasses. They conducted a clinic and trained 26 Lions. They also visited the Chiapas, Mexico, Odom Eye Clinic. A surgical team was present for patient treatment.

Another Optical Training Team traveled to Honduras in September 1999, for an eight day visit. PID Marshall Cooper of Beaumont was the Liaison Officer and Lion Denisa Marston was Captain of the Training Team. They traveled with equipment and 4200 glasses. It was reported that of over 300,000 students, an estimated 100,000 children had vision problems.

The 2nd Cabinet meeting was held at Howard College in Big Spring on October 8-9, 1999. PDG Paul Palmer reported that during July 1998 to June 1999, a total of 1357 patients were treated at the Acuna Clinic. Seventy-one cataract surgeries were performed; 854 pairs of glasses fitted, and 432 patients received general medical care.

The Council of Governors of the Lions of Texas announced a change in the ordering of Lions Candy mints. Mints will no longer be supplied through Texas Lions Foundation.

Sweetwater Lions Club celebrated its 70th anniversary on October 2, 1999. The Keynote Speaker was International Director Connie De La Garza.

The District was saddened to hear of the sudden and unexpected death of Elizabeth Owen, the wife of Vice District Governor Al Owen. In true Lions spirit, Elizabeth Owen donated her corneal tissue to the District 2-A1 Eye Bank. Through her generosity, two persons received the gift of sight.

Governor Edwards attended the Second Council of Governors in November 1999, in Tyler, Texas. It was reported that the State had lost 1609 members in the past 3 years, a continuing trend.

The District 2-A1 Mid-Winter Conference was held at the Midland Downtown Lions Club Building in January 2000. The Council of Governors met for the third time in Kerrville in February 2000.

The District Convention was held in Brownwood-Early on April 14-15, 2000. Vice District Governor Al Owen was elected District Governor for the next year. Lion Sabino Garcia was elected Vice District Governor. Lion Joyce Downie, of the Concho Pearl Lions Club, was appointed Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer, her second time to serve in that capacity.

The Texas Lions State Convention was held in San Angelo on May 18-19, 2000. The convention was attended by 460 Lions and guests. Mrs. Carole Hansen from the Leader Dog for the Blind School gave a presentation on the puppy program.

2000-2001  Lion Alvin "Al" Owens, of the San Angelo Downtown Club, was elected as the 42nd District 2-A1 Governor at the District Convention in Brownwood-Early. Lion Sabino Garcia was elected as Vice District Governor. Lion Joyce Downie was appointed to her second term as District Secretary/Treasurer. Governor Al's theme was "Harmony through Communication and Cooperation."

Lion Al's first official trip was to the International Convention in Hawaii where he was installed as District 2-A1 Governor. After the convention, Governor Owen married his fiance, Billie Dye, on a cruise ship.

At the 2nd Cabinet Meeting held in Kingsland, four members from the Amistad Lions Club from Ciudad, Acuna, Mexico were presented a grant check from LCIF for $20,800.00 to purchase new equipment for the Acuna Eye Clinic.

The Mid-Winter Conference was held in Sonora on February 9-10, 2001. PDG Paul Palmer received the "Top Ten International Understanding and Cooperation Award." Lion Denisa Marston and PDG Paul Palmer received a President's Certificate of Appreciation Awards. A resolution was read nominating Lion Dale Palmer for the office of South District Camp Director.

This year the District had two individuals enrolled in training at the Lions World Services for the Blind in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The District Convention was held in San Angelo on April 20-21, 2001. Vice District Governor Sabino Garcia was elected to serve as the District Governor for the year 2001-02. Lion Virgil Polocek won a close race with Lion Denisa Marston to become the Vice District Governor for the coming year. Lion Dale Palmer was elected as the South District Camp Director. Lion Joyce Downie was appointee as the District Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer.

At the State Convention in San Antonio in May 2001, the District 2-A1 Peace Poster winner, Sawyer Stoltz of Midland Trinity Christian School, placed second in the State. Governor Owen received the President's Leadership Award.

2001-2002   Lion Sabino Garcia was elected as the 43rd District 2-A1 Governor. Lion Virgil Polocek of the Sonora Lions was elected as the Vice District Governor. Lion Joyce Downie of the San Angelo Concho Pearl served as the Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer, her 3rd year to serve in that post.

Webmaster's note: The history for Governor Garcia's term have not been completed as of this writing.

2002-2003  Lion Virgil Polocek was elected as the 44th District Governor. Lion Melvin Felch was elected as the Vice District Governor. Mary Ann Kay served as Cabinet Secretary. Shelley Hughes was appointed as Cabinet Treasurer.

Webmaster's note:The history for Governor Polecek's term have not been completed as of this writing (PDG Polocek passed away in San Angelo, TX., on December 19, 2008).

2003-2004  Lion Melvin Felch was elected as the 45th District 2-A1 Governor. Lion Joyce Downie of the San Angelo Concho Pearl was elected as the Vice District Governor. Verna Rae Gilbreath was appointed as Cabinet Secretary and Billy Murphey was appointed to serve as Cabinet Treasurer.

Lion Melvin Felch of the Downtown Brownwood Lions Club was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado and graduated from Colorado Springs High School in 1958. Melvin moved to Topeka, Kansas and attended Washburn University. Melvin moved to Dallas, Texas and was employed by the Dallas Police Department for 28 years, retiring in 1994. Melvin met and married Mary Beth and moved to Brownwood. He joined the Downtown Brownwood Lions Club after being invited to attend a hamburger cook for the campers at the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville in 1995. Melvin served as 3rd Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President, and President . Melvin also served as District 2-A1 Camp Director South from 1999-2001. He was asked to consider running for the position of Vice District Governor at the Cabinet meeting held in Brady, Texas, October 20, 2001. Melvin was taken ill and entered Baylor Hospital in Dallas on April 19th for acute pancreatitis and gall bladder problems. The District Convention was held in San Angelo in April 19 -20, 2002 during DG Sabino Gracia's term. Melvin was elected Vice District Governor and didn't know it until he woke up 3 weeks later in Baylor Hospital.

August 23-24, 2002, VDG Melvin and Mary Beth flew to Little Rock, Arkansas to tour Lions World Services for the Blind. It was a great opportunity to see Lions Charities in action.

VDG Melvin and Mary Beth attended the USA/Canada Forum in Fort Worth September 19-21.

VDG Melvin attended the District Convention, which was held in Sonora, Texas, May 9-10, 2003 with Virgil Polocek as District Governor where he was elected District Governor. Lion Joyce Downie of the San Angelo Concho Pearl Lions Club was elected Vice District Governor. The Sonora Downtown Lions Club celebrated their 75th anniversary as part of the District Convention activities.

DG Elect Melvin attended the State Convention in Dallas, Texas at the Adams Mark Hotel May 22-24, 2003.

Then it was on to Denver, Colorado for District Governor Elect Seminar and the Lions Clubs International Convention June 25-July 4, 2003. International President Dr. Tae Sup Lee from Seoul Korea was elected President of Lions Clubs International.

District 2-A1 had 60 Lions Clubs at the beginning of the year. The San Angelo Southwest Lions Club folded while Melvin was attending the International Convention in Denver. Also this year, Westbrook, Llano Evening, and Midland Southside disbanded.

August 7-9, 2003, DG Melvin and Mary Beth made a trip to Detroit, Michigan along with all the District Governors from Texas, to tour Leader Dogs for the Blind. This was an exciting and informative tour of the facilities including the new student dormitories. Everyone enjoyed the traditional meal of chili and very large donuts.

Mason Lions Club hosted the first cabinet meeting on July 26, 2003. It was very well attended. Our guest speaker, PDG Michael Morgan of Giddings, Texas spoke on Membership. The question of a District dues increase was brought up and discussed.

DG Melvin's first Council of Governors meeting was held at the YO Ranch Hotel in Kerrville on Aug 1-2, 2003.

The second cabinet meeting was in Midland, hosted by the Midland Downtown Lions Club October 24-25, 2003.

2nd COG meeting was held in Amarillo Oct 31-Nov 1, 2003.

A problem came up this year concerning the Acuna Clinic in Acuna, Mexico a project of District 2-A1. After many heated discussions about how the Clinic was to be run and how the money was to be spent DG Melvin called a special PDG meeting Nov. 24, 2003, to be held in San Angelo at the Cross Roads Inn. During the meeting PDG Paul Palmer and Lion Dale Palmer resigned from the Board of Directors of the Acuna Clinic. PDG John Hancock was selected to head up a committee to look into the By-Laws and Constitution of the Acuna Clinic. The other members of the Committee were PDG Jim Wilks, Vice-Governor Joyce Downie and DG Melvin Felch.

The Sweetwater Lions Club hosted the Mid-winter conference on January

9-10, 2004 and the guest speaker was PID Marshall Cooper of Beaumont, Texas. We all enjoyed the Cajon jokes he told.

The 3rd COG was held in Kerrville on Feb 5-7, 2004.

April 11, 2004, DG Melvin and Mary Beth traveled to Midland to greet International President T. S. Lee who came to Midland to tour the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center. The next morning, breakfast was served at the Recycling Center and tours were given of the facility. That evening,

DG Melvin and Mary Beth attended the Ballinger Noon Lions Clubs 75th anniversary where International President T. S. Lee was the guest speaker.

On May 4, 2004, DG Melvin attended the Big Spring Downtown Lions Club's 75th anniversary celebration and club officer installation.

The District Convention was held in Brownwood hosted by the Downtown Brownwood Lions Club on May 7-8. The guest speaker was International Director Bruce Schwartz of Bismarck, North Dakota. He was accompanied by his wife Julie. ID Schwartz was a dynamic speaker and very entertaining. During the dinner Saturday night he sang to the Lions as Julie accompanied him on the piano. It was a very exciting night. The crowning of the District Queen was also a memorable occasion. Bridget Wells, a senior at Brownwood High School, sponsored by the Downtown Brownwood Lions Club was crowned Queen. The first runner up was Jordan Knickerbocker sponsored by the Bangs Lions Club. We had nine young ladies as candidates in the contest from the District. 153 were in attendance.

The results of the election held during the District Convention were as follows: Lion Joyce Downie was elected District Governor. Lion Zac Gray was elected Vice-District Governor. Lion Dr. Lonnie Pollard of Brady was elected as Camp Director South. The dues increased passed raising the District dues from $3.78 to $6.00. The Constitution and By-laws Amendment for the Acuna Clinic passed. A Necrology Service was held to remember the 42 fellow Lions who passed away during the District year 2003-2004. PDG Louis Carothers, PDG Conner Scott, PDG Leonard Hanson and PDG H. B. Brancel were also remembered.

June 1, 2004, DG Melvin and Mary Beth attended the Winters Lions Club as The club celebrated their 80th anniversary with Dr Don Newbury as the featured speaker. The celebration was well attended.

July 3, 2004, DG Melvin and Mary Beth traveled to Detroit, Michigan for the International Convention. Texas was well represented in the International Parade with The Elite Marching group, Flag Corp and Texas Float. The Lubbock Estacado High School Marching Band was featured in the parade. The highlight of International Convention was the picnic in the park next door to the Cobo Convention Center. The Texas Lions proudly fed five thousand "Hungry Lions" different foods found in Texas. It was very difficult to explain to Lions that spoke little English, how to remove the shuck before eating the tamales! For several days afterwards, the Lions of Texas heard a lot of comments on how well the Lions of Texas were able to feed that many people. Our own PID Jimmy Ross was elected 2nd Vice President of Lions Clubs International. Clement F. Kusiak of Maryland was elected International President.

Personal Comments from DG Melvin Felch and Mary Beth:
I want to thank all the Lions of District 2-A1 for their support and gracious hospitality shown to Mary Beth and me during our travels around the District. I will never forget all the great Lions I met during my year as District Governor. Being your District Governor has been a great experience and opportunity for me. I ended my year with 56 Lions Clubs in District 2-A1.

2004-2005  Lion Joyce Downie was born and raised in Orange, California and graduated from Orange High School in 1953. In 1955 she met and married Lion Ron Downie who was in the Air Force stationed off the coast of California on San Clemente island. They have 3 sons and 8 grandchildren.

Lion Joyce joined the San Angelo Concho Pearl Lions Club in January of 1994. She served the club as Treasurer for several years and then as 3rd Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President and President in 2001-2002. At the District level, she served as Cabinet Secretary for PDG Joan Caldwell, PDG Al Owen and PDG Sabino Garcia. In 2003-2004 at the District Convention held in Sonora, Tx she was elected to the office of Vice District Governor. At the District Convention held in Brownwood Texas on May 8th, 2004 she was elected to the office of District Governor for 2004-2005. At the International Convention held in Detroit Michigan on July 9th, 2004 she was sworn in as District Governor of District 2-A1 by International President Clement F. Kusiak.

Serving with Governor Joyce was Vice District Governor Zac Gray of the Brady Lions Club, Cabinet Secretary Lion Emilio Perez Jimenez of the San Angelo Southside Lions Club and Treasurer Lion John Fortenberry of the San Angelo Downtown Lions Club.

District Governor's Joyce's theme for the year was Heart's to Love and Hands to Serve. Her goal for the year was to have a net gain in membership and to form new clubs in the district.

Governor Joyce started her official visits with her home club, San Angelo Concho Pearls on July 12, 2004 and finished visiting all 55 clubs by February 2005.

The Big Spring Evening Lions Club, led by PDG Bob Noyes, hosted the first Cabinet meeting on July 23rd and 24th, 2004 with Governor Joyce Downie presiding. There was an evening social on Friday night held at the Las Pasada Restaurant, as well as the meeting and lunch on Saturday. There were 98 members attending. Special guest was Lion Sandy Griffin, MD-2 Leader Dog Chairman with her dog Ivy Green IV. The speaker for Saturday's luncheon was Barney Johnson, Past Potentate of the Suez Shrine Center of San Angelo, Texas. This was the last meeting that PDG Oscar Cook attended as he passed away on July 30th, 2004. The membership chair he held was then filled by PDG Paul Palmer

Governor Joyce and Lion Ron attended the First Council of Governor's meeting in Kerrville on August 5th thru the 7th. She also attended the Texas Lions Camp Board meeting held at the same meeting. On August 13th Governor Joyce and Lion Ron traveled to the Leader Dog School in Rochester, Michigan to see the facility and how the dogs are trained to become Leader Dogs.

The Brady Lions Club hosted the Second Cabinet meeting on October 15th and 16th. Friday night was very special as they had a fish fry and dance at the VFW Hall. The Saturday Cabinet Meeting was also held there and the guest speaker was PID Mike Butler of Kerrville, Texas. It was the same cry for members, as the first cabinet meeting. Governor Joyce had visited half of the clubs in the district. She urged all Lions to remember our motto " We Serve". A resolution was read by the Brady Lions Club President Bobby Williams promoting Vice District Governor Zac Gray to the office of District Governor 2005-2006.

The second Council of Governor's meeting was held in Nacogdoches , Texas on November 3rd and 4th which Governor Joyce and Lion Ron attended. The Midwinter Conference was held on January 21st and 22nd, 2005 at the Carnegie Library and was hosted by the Ballinger Noon and Evening Clubs. This is a very special building and all like going there for meetings etc. A Dutch treat dinner was held at the Acapulco Restaurant on Friday which was enjoyed by all. The meeting and lunch was held at the Carnegie Library on Saturday, January 22nd. The guest speaker was Council Chairman Dick Robinson, who was a dynamic speaker. Resolutions were read for the Acuna Eye Clinic Director for PDG Sabino Garcia of Southside Lions of San Angelo, Camp Director-North, Lion Clarence Geistmann of Downtown Lions Club of San Angelo, and Vice District Governor for Lion Marshall Twombly of the Downtown Lions Club of San Angelo. These names will be placed on the District ballot along with VDG Zac Gray's for District Governor at the District Convention April 15-16 in San Angelo, Texas.

Governor Joyce presented a 50 year Lion Chevron to PIP Ebb Grindstaff. PDG Ike Fitzgerald was named into the Texas Lions Hall of Fame as he well deserved. A savings bond was presented to the Midland Northside Lions Club to be given to the Peace Poster Contest winner, Susan Weidner, age 11.

The third Council of Governor's meeting was held in Kerrville on February 3-6 which Governor Joyce and Lion Ron attended. Governor Joyce also attended the Texas Lions Leadership Forum held in Austin, Texas on March 19-20, 2005.

The District 2-A1 Convention was held at the San Angelo Inn in San Angelo. Texas on April 15th and 16th, 2005. This Convention was hosted by all 8 Lions clubs of San Angelo. This was Governor Joyce's final meeting and awards banquet. Activities started with a hospitality gathering on Friday, April 19th with good food and music. This was well attended.

The Key Member breakfast was held April 16th at 7:30 AM at the San Angelo Inn with PDG Al Owen as the guest speaker. He had an informative agenda on membership.

At 9:00 AM the Cabinet meeting began. After a welcome from City Councilwoman Jamie Rainey, Mayor Pro-tem, the various subjects of the cabinet members were given. During the meeting PIP Bill Biggs of Lions International celebrated World Wide Induction Day by inducting new members into Lions Club International. Chaplin Lion Frank Berthold held the Necrology Service at 11:00 AM and Lion Marie Bryan placed a flower into a vase for 32 deceased Lions. Four of the roses were for Past District Governors Oscar Cook of San Angelo, Leonard Hanson of Midland, J. E. Barrington of Midland and Homer Hodge of Winters, Texas.

Luncheon followed and the guest speaker was PIS Dana Biggs, wife of the International guest PIP Bill Biggs. PDG Al Owen honored PDG Paul Palmer with a beautiful figurine for his special work done at the Acuna Eye Clinic in Mexico. Gary Karschner was the Master of Ceremonies for the District 2-A1 Queens Contest which followed the luncheon.

The election took place from 2:00 to 4:00 in the lobby, the results of the election to be announced at the banquet.

A special reception was held to honor Lions International PIP Bill Biggs and wife, Dana at 5:30 PM.

The Awards Banquet was held at 7:00 PM with PIP Bill Biggs being the speaker. Awards were given to many and Presidential awards were given to Lion Dorothy Cook for PDG Oscar Cook, IPDG Melvin Felch and Lion Ron Downie. Danielle Hamilton from the Bangs Lions Club was chosen as the next District 2-A1 Queen.

Governor Joyce Downie presented all Cabinet members with special made certificates. She then gave the election results as follows:

  • Governor for 2005-2006
  • Lion Zac Gray of Brady
  • Vice District Governor Lion Marshall Twombly of San Angelo
  • Camp Director -North Lion Gene Parsons of Sweetwater Lions
  • Acuna Eye Clinic Director PDG Sabino Garcia of San Angelo

The past several years our Cabinet Meetings and Conventions have had a remarkable Lion as the Tail Twister, Lion Bob Bower. He has been outstanding as a fun-giving Tail Twister. He and his wife, Ann, have moved to Red Oak, Texas and will be missed tremendously. Good luck, Lion Bob and Ann Bower. Lion Bob and Ann were also the Queen Contest chairpersons.

Governor Joyce Downie went to the Lions International Convention, visited all the clubs in the District, attended the Council of Governor's meetings and the USA/Canada Forum and had all her District Cabinet meetings and Convention. She ended her year by attending the State Convention in Waco on May 26th and 27th, 2005. While at the Convention, Governor Joyce had the honor of presenting PDG Ike Fitzgerald with the Texas Lions Hall of Fame medal. Governor Joyce was also presented with the President's Leadership medal by PIP Brian Stephenson.

Governor Joyce ended her year by installing new officers in several clubs in the District. We thank Governor Joyce for her commitment to District 2-A1 this past year.

Lion Dorothy Cook,
Historian for 2004-2005

2005-2006  Lion Zac Gray of the Brady Lions Club was elected as the 47th District 2-A1 Governor at the District Convention held in San Angelo, Texas in June 2005. Lion Marshall Twombly of the San Angelo Downtown Lions Club was elected as Vice District Governor. Lion Ira Moise of the Brady Lions Club was appointed as the District Secretary. Lion Richard (Rick) Melcer was appointed as the District Treasurer. Miss Danielle Hamilton, sponsored by the Bangs Lions Club was elected as the District Queen.

Governor Gray held his first cabinet meeting at Goldthwaite, Texas on July 22-23, 2005 at the Mills County Civic Center. The meeting was attended by many Lions. Special guests were DG Waldo Dalchau and VDG Villeneuve from District 2-S5. There was a training session with VDG Villeneuve and VDG Marshall Twombly conducting sessions for Presidents and Vice Presidents. DG Dalchau worked with the Zone Chairmen and PDG Joyce Downie worked with the Secretaries and Treasurers.

Gov. Gray said the District 2-A1 Contest for the Diabetic Essay, Drug Awareness, and Outstanding Youth will be held at the Mid-Winter Convention at Brady in April.

The membership goals for 2005-06 are to have at least one more member per club than last year.

The 2005-06 Queen is Danielle Hamilton of the Bangs lions Club. There were 15 PDGs attending this cabinet meeting, including PDG/PIP Everett (Ebb) Grindstaff.

Lion Bridgett Rogers made an announcement that on June 18, 2005, Governor Rick Perry signed Senate Bill 24 into law that the Eye Bank has a donor registration bank. Records will be sent to the donor bank in Houston for a permanent record to be available when anyone becomes deceased and wishes their eyes, tissues, or organs to be donated. This replaces the donor card in back of your driver's license.

Committee reports were given by several Lions. Among these were reports from LCIF Chairperson Joyce Downie stating that $12,000,000 had been raised for the Tsunami relief. Also, a report from PDG john Hancock stated our need to go to the International Convention scheduled for 2006 in New Orleans in order to support Jimmy Ross for International President.

The next Cabinet Meeting will be held in Sonora, Texas, October 14-15, 2005.


The October Cabinet Meeting held in Sonora, Texas on the weekend of the 14th and 15th. The attendance was very light, but the meeting went well. The Friday evening fish-fry was very good. Speakers for the meeting were PDG Aubrey and Francis Cherry from El Paso, who spoke on membership and Retention.

Lion Randy Richards presented several Lions with Lions World Services for the Blind Certificates. A new constitution is being written by PDG Jim Wilks, and will be ready for the Mid-Winter Conference to be held in Midland, Texas, january 20-21, 2006.

It was announced that 7 clubs had not paid their dues so far this year.

The Lions International Convention will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, on June 3--July 4, 2006 instead of New Orleans, due to Hurricane Katrina. There will be an International Reception for First International Vice President Jimmy M. Ross.

PDG Sabino Garcia gave an informative report on the Acuna Eye Clinic. He said an anonymous individual had donated $15,000.00 to the clinic to complete the building. It is to be finished in February 2006.

Reports were given as follows: PDG Virgil Polocek gave a report on the Texas Lions Foundation stating they had helped the Rowena Lions Club with their water works update on the city's rusting pipes, etc.

The two tail twisters, Lion Debbie Bayer and Lion Debbie Riddle did a great job with auctions, door prizes, and fines. They raised over $400.00.

The attendance was small but the meeting was very good.


The third Cabinet Meeting for the year 2005-2006 was held at the Downtown Lions Club building of Midland, with all their clubs participating , and with PDG Bob Edwards being the leader.

On Friday evening, the registration began around 5:00 pm and a hamburger dinner was served at 6:00 pm. Bingo was offered as the entertainment for the evening.. Breakfast with all the trimmings was served from 7:00 am to 9:00 am on Saturday, January 21st.

Governor Zac Gray opened his Cabinet Meeting at 9:00 am with a prayer by PDG Paul Palmer and the Pledge by PDG Joan Caldwell. Next, a song was led by PDG Al Owens.

The meeting was well attended. Reports were given by most of the Cabinet members. Some of the highlights were: PDG Al Owens reported that the Acuna Clinic in Mexico will open the second floor on March 4th. Also, there were many checks sent in as memorials to PDG Sabino Garcia who passed away. PDG Melvin Felch reported that LCIF gave thousands of dollars to the (Gulf coastal) hurricane victims. Lake Brownwood gave $10 thousand in gift cards for this and also gave to the people burned out from wild fires (in Central Texas).

Lion Tom Mills stated they need more used glasses and hearing aids. Lion Bridgett Rogers said the Eye Bank is in the black and had no citations from FDA inspections.

The following resolutions were read: VDG: Marshall Twombly read a resolution to nominate Lion James Price of the Kingsland lions Club for Vice District Governor for 2006-07; Lion Al Owens will be voted on at the Brady Lions Convention in April 2006 for Director for 3 years for the Acuna Clinic; and Lion Ray Landry will be voted on for Camp Director for the South position for 2006-08. Also, there will be a vote on the District Constitution By-laws.

Lunch was served and then the speaker for the day was Council Chairman C. Lee Smith of Clyde, Texas.

Governor Zac Gray has a new plan to help gain new members in the district. Each member who gets a new member will receive an entry for prizes given by the district (from the budget). These prizes are: 1st place - $300.00; 2nd place - $100.00; 3rd place - $60.00, 4th place - $40.00, 5th place through 10th place - 10 gallons of gasoline from Town & Country Convenience Stores. This runs from February 1st to June 30th, 2006. To get your name in the pot, you must bring in a new member. For each new member, you get another entry. A drawing will be held for winners.


The District Convention was held in Brady, Texas on April 21st and 22nd, and was sponsored by the Brady Lions Club in the 1st Baptist Church Family Life Center.

Friday evening, the Lions were entertained by a wonderful fish-fry with all the trimmings and a live band called the Hamiltones from Hamilton, Texas.

Saturday morning at 7:00 am, we had the Key Member Breakfast, which was well attended. Lion Carol Bullen was the speaker. Lion Carol is out of Dallas and a spokesperson for the southern and southwestern USA for Sight First II. Lions International has asked all Lions to donate, again, for preventable blindness in our third world countries. River blindness can be prevented if drops are given to children early and much of the money will go for drops.

The Necrology Service was most impressive as the deceased Lions for 2005-06 were honored with a candle lit for each of the 34 Lions that had passed on. The Reverends Charles and Shirley Smith of Brady, who have served as chaplains for the district, were the speakers. Beautiful music was given by Concise Patterson, wife of Lion Billy Patterson. This was held in the 1st Baptist Church.

The Cabinet Meeting started at 9:00 am with various business reports and minutes passed out to all. PDG Paul Palmer, Membership Chairman, said we are minus 12 members, but it could be worse. To catch up, he urged all members to get a new member.

The noon meal was served, and the young Women's Scholarship Pageant was held. (This used to be called the Queen's Contest). The judges for this event were Marsha Neal, James Stewart, and Wendy Ellis; all non=Lions. The Master of Ceremonies was Mark Magee. The winner of the contest was Bethany Sample, representing the Midland Downtown Lions. The 1st runner-up was Brenda Kay Truett from the East Angelo Lions of San Angelo. The award for Bethany was a $500.00 scholarship, and Brenda Kay received a $250.00 scholarship.

PID Scott Rennels was the guest speaker for the banquet on Saturday evening. He gave Lions Certificates of Appreciation to four Lions: Cabinet Secretary Ira Moise; Treasurer Rick Melcer; Newsletter and Website Editor Ron Downie and Convention Chairperson Bobbie Williams.

Results of the voting were: Vice District Governor Marshall Twombly was elected as District Governor for 2006-07; Lion James Price of Kingsland Lions elected as Vice District Governor 2006-07; Lion Brigitte Rogers and Joe Payne elected to the Eye Bank Board; Lion Elizabeth Garcia and PDG Al Owen were elected to the Acuna Clinic Board; and Lion Roy Landry was elected as Camp Director, South.

The new District Constitution and By-Laws passed overwhelmingly. The State Resolution concerning Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center will be determined at the State Convention in Abilene, Texas.

District Governor Zac Gray did a great job as the District Governor and was loved by all.

2006-2007  Lion Marshall Twombly of the San Angelo Lions Club was elected as the 48th District 2-A1 Governor at the District Convention in San Angelo, Texas in June 2006. Lion James Price of the Kingsland Lions Club was elected as Vice District Governor. Lion Lyleann McClellan-Thee was appointed as District Secretary and Lion Sandra Cox was appointed as District Treasurer.

2007-2008  Lion James Price of the Kingsland Lions Club was elected as the 49th District 2-A1 Governor at the District Convention in San Angelo, Texas in June 2007. Lion David Hoopman of the Midland Northside Lions Club was elected as the Vice District Governor. Lion Phillip Lowe of the Kingsland Lions Club was appointed as the District 2-A1 Treasurer. Lion Preston Rosamond of the Kingsland Lions Club was appointed the position of District Secretary.

Governor James (Partner in Service is his wife Jane.)

In spite of the problems incurred by his bladder cancer, James hit the ground running. He appointed the following Lions to his cabinet:

Lion Phil Lowe .................... Secretary

Lion Preston Rosemond ....... Treasurer

District Governor James was unable to go to the International Convention in Chicago to be sworn in and attend the District Governor School because of his cancer. He underwent surgery, chemo and bladder reconstruction and was unable to be at the first cabinet meeting in Brownwood, Texas on July 28, 2007.


This meeting was chaired by VDG David Hoopman. PID Mike Butler from Kerrville was introduced and was the speaker after lunch. The new Cabinet members were introduced and presented either with pins or tabs for their service. PDG Melvin Felch served as temporary Tail Twister and raised over $200.00. PID Butler presented International Leadership medals to PDG Jim Wilkes, PDG Zac Gray and IPDG Marshall Twombly.


District Governor James convened the second cabinet meeting on October 27, 2007 at the Midland Downtown Lions Building. The opening flag ceremony was conducted by Boy Scout Troop 19 sponsored by the Midland West Side Lions Club. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted. Lion Preston Rosamond presented the treasurer's report and it was accepted. Attending this meeting was Council Chair Ray White and his wife Zoie, PCC Dick Robinson and his wife, Correnne, and PCC Mike Rourke and his wife Elizabeth. The budget for Lions year 2007-2008 was presented and adopted. PCC Dick Robinson, State coordinator for sight-First II, was the speaker after lunch. He urged a commitment to Sight First II.


The Mid-Winter Conference was held in Sonora on Saturday, January 18, 2008 at Sonora High School. Dorothy Lopez, mayor of the city of Sonora, welcomed the District 2-A1 Lions. Governor Price gave a response and recognized PIP Ebb Grindstaff, PDG Beverly Stebbins, candidate for ID, and Lion Sandy Griffin, MD-2 Leader Dog Chair. San Angelo Downtown Lions submitted a resolution for Lion Roy Landry to run for District 2-A1 Vice District Governor for 2008-2009. The Luncheon speaker was Lion Sandy Griffin. She spoke about the Leader Dog program.


The district convention was held at the First Baptist Church in Kingsland on April 11 and 12, 2008. The Governor's Awards Banquet was held on Friday, April 11, 2008. The speaker, PID Bill Crawford, from California was unable to attend because of the grounding of American Airlines. Former coach Spike Dikes was pressed into service and gave an inspiring speech about the "ABC's" of success.

Saturday morning began with breakfast followed by a PDG meeting. The PDGs discussed issues that were before the district. A collection was taken up for a memorial contribution for former "first lady" Jackie Polocek. The business meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by DG James Price. The pledge was led by VDG David Hoopman followed by the invocation delivered by Chaplain Bill Blackstone. Resolutions were read for those running for political office. During the business meeting the Youth Contestants were tested as a portion of their competition. The Memorial service was conducted at 11:00 AM. Voting delegates were urged to vote for the issues placed before the district. Lunch was held at 12:00 noon. During the Luncheon hour the Youth Contestants gave a two minute presentation. Each contestant was evaluated by the Lions present. The ballots were tabulated and the results posted to the computer program that tabulated the final score. Katalina Lomeli sponsored by the Midland West Side Lions Club won the competition. PDG Bob Edwards announced the results and pointed out the Peace Poster from District 2-A1 which won third place in the state. Luncheon was taken followed by a speech given by PIP Ebb Grindstaff. The elected candidates were DG-Elect David Hoopman, VDG-Elect Roy Landry and eye bank directors PDG Bob Edwards, Lion Patti Prather, PDG Paul Palmer, Lion Gayland Thorne and PDG Marshall Twombly. The tail twister raised $838.00 during the convention. The convention was adjourned at 1:40 PM.

Lion James and his partner attended the State Convention at Amarillo on 14-17 May, 2008.

2008-2009  Lion David W. Hoopman was elected as the 50th District Governor of Lions District 2-A1 at the District Convention in April 2008 in Kingsland, Texas. Lion Roy Landry of San Angelo Downtown was elected 1st Vice Governor and Lion Don Draper of Lake Brownwood was elected 2nd Vice Governor. Lion Denisa Marston was appointed secretary and IPDG James Price was appointed treasurer.

District Governor David W. Hoopman (Partner in service, wife, Terry Hoopman)

Lion Denisa Marston ... ........................................................... Secretary District 2-A1

IPDG James E. Price (Partner in service, wife, Jane Price) .......... Treasurer District 2-A1

District Governor David, wife Terry, and his father-in-law toured China before he went to International Convention in Bangkok, Thailand from June 23-27, 2008. At International Convention he attended District Governor School and was ready to come home to District 2-A1 to begin work.


District Governor David Hoopman gaveled the first Cabinet Meeting to order at 9:00 AM on Saturday the 26th after a get together at Zavala's Restaurant on Friday night. Governor Dave installed his Cabinet with the pins or tabs of office. IPDG James Price presented the District Budget for 2008-2009. A motion was made by PDG Joyce Downey to suspend the rules for voting. PDG Bob Edwards gave a second and the rules were suspended. The Budget was adopted. After much action by the District Tail Twister the first cabinet was adjourned. Luncheon was served. There were training classes for the incoming club officers and zone chairs.


District Governor David Hoopman gaveled the second Cabinet Meeting to order at 9:00 AM on Saturday the 25th after the Friday night catfish feed at the Early Lions Club. After the prayer and pledge a moment of silence was observed for the passing of PDG Paul Palmer. Of the 50 clubs comprising District 2-A1, there were representatives of 13 clubs at the second cabinet meeting. After the roll call of clubs present the minutes of the first cabinet meeting at Mason were read and approved. The financial statement was presented after a gentle reminder from Lion Denisa. Committee Chairs gave reports. PIP Ebb Grindstaff spoke about his visit to Helen Keller's childhood home. A brisket lunch was served and the meeting was adjourned.


District Governor David Hoopman gaveled the Midwinter Conference to order at 9:30 AM after a PDG meeting. After the invocation and pledge, introduction of honored guests were made. A roll call of clubs present and cabinet members was made revealing 20 clubs in attendance. Minutes from the second cabinet meeting were presented and adopted. A financial statement was presented and adopted. Amendments to the district by-laws were presented. Committee reports were made. An outreach to Eden, TX will be on February 10th. A lunch was served and old and new business were taken up after lunch. The Midwinter Conference was adjourned with Lion Aubrey Linne to give a session on PR after adjournment.

District Governor David Hoopman dealt with tragedy during 2009. Both his parents and his father-in-law passed. He was out of the district for some time dealing with estates and final arrangements.


The District Convention began with the Governor's Award Banquet at 7:00 PM on Friday, April 24th. The banquet was called to order by District Governor David Hoopman. The pledge was conducted by Lion Eddie Klatt. PDG Al Owen conducted a sing-along. VDG Roy Landry introduced the guests. District Governor David Hoopman introduced the Head Table. The invocation was given by District Chaplain Bill Simpson. Don Warren, District Tail Twister, conducted some tail twister time. Dinner, catered by Abuelos, was served followed by Entertainment by Ron Eckert. Terry Hoopman gave her husband, DG David, a surprise gift of a slide show of his year as District Governor. District Governor Dave presented his cabinet with awards for their service. PIP Ebb Grindstaff introduced the banquet speaker, International Director Harold R. Ott. At the conclusion of his speech, the attendees were dismissed.

District Governor David Hoopman gaveled the business meeting to order at 9:30 AM after a PDG meeting. International Director Dr. Harold R. Ott spoke to the PDG's and was in attendance for the business meeting. The prayer and pledge were given and VDG Roy Landry introduced the guests in attendance. Minutes of the Midwinter Conference and the financial report were presented and accepted. Committee chairs gave their reports. Elections were held for by-laws, Governor, 1st VDG and 2nd VDG. Lion Roy Landry was elected to become DG, Lion Don Draper was elected to become 1st VDG and Lion Lee Sigler was elected to be 2ndVDG. The changes to the by-laws were approved. Lion Bill Simpson conducted a memorial service to honor District Lions that passed during the present Lion's Year. The district gavel was passed to DGE Roy Landry. PIP Ebb Grindstaff introduced the speaker, International Director Harold R. Ott. At the conclusion of his speech DG David Hoopman declared the convention to be over.

DG David Hoopman attended the MD-2 Convention in Amarillo, TX on May 15th-17th. He supervised our Outstanding Youth, Lauren Moeller from Veribest High School. She was sponsored by San Angelo Downtown.